Caution: Read on your OWN RISK!

The content of this blog may and can be extremely sensitive to some people, If you want to read the blog, I do suggest that you read it on your own risk.

Yes, every tale has more than 1 side of the story...I'm not GOD so I'm not everywhere nor am I all-knowing.

This is just my side of the story based on my understanding!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

U're not Children, you're Pre-U students!

I feel like I'm lost, my school is crazy. We are talked to as though we are children and teachers teaches like as though we are children. Everyday during assembly, the students are instructed to "angkat tangan, jatuh tangan" like Tadika or primary school children. Our MUET(Malaysian University English Test) teacher teaches us like primary school students-->Repeat after me.
these are the outer factors.

Now, onto the internal factor: today I witness a very childish reaction. In this incident, I feel quite ashamed of my good friend's behavior and in general my class's attitude. This friend of mine started calling someone horrible names just like a child. The other girl also exchange back horrible names. I really felt like I was back in Pre-School. I tell you it was really such a child-ish attitude.

I really wish I had the guts to tell this good friend of mine to not act that childish, but she was too emotional...

School is for studying la, people! Why do you all want to make school a battlefield? Both sides in wrong ok? Happy? Can you'll just call it a day and shake hands?
You people are of the same faith, can you tolerate and forgive please?

Right now, "the class is much more 'CONDUCIVE' class to study!" claim many teachers since we redecorated and rearranged and "carpeted" our class.
Little do they know of how NOT conducive our class is in on the inside.
This enmity between the Malay girls of my class is really frustrating, causing stress and getting out of hand each day!

I feel so ashamed and sad that my class is in a gloomy and tensed atmosphere. There's also a lot of verbal fights and unnecessary rubbish going on.
Again it makes me wonder and wonder the same thing I always do...
Why do we come to school?


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sitting Arrangements

22 July 2009

The class's rearrangement is now a horrible thing. A small thing ballooned up into a gigantic issue.
In my class there is the minority gang and the majority gang. My class is made of 20 students
The minority gang is made up of me, Pui Yee(2 Chinese girls), Praveen(1 Indian boy) and Hazizah(English speaking Malay girl)
while the Majority gang is the rest of the class...but with some neutral parties.

In the new class sitting, nobody wanted to sit next to Hazizah...they Anti her. In my class there is cliques...about doubles mostly and some triples. Here's the list:

1. minority gang(4 people)
2. Syakirah and Nissa
3. Suraya and Zulaikha
4. Zuraini and Akhmar
5. Wani Noor, Wahidah and Eius
6. Hafizah and Farahin
7. Wisha and Roslina

Zuchal, Wani Azrin, Wani Wahab are free agents...

In the new arrangement, the majority gang is all in their cliques but the minority gang was purposely thrown separately to the 4 sides/ends of the class.
This was done because the majority gang has been unsatisfied(tak puas hati with Hazizah since lower 6 already) so they want Hazizah to be alone.
They don't want Hazizah to sit in front nor do they don't want Hazizah to sit with Pui Yee or any of the minority, and the majority don't want to sit next to her.
This unsatisfied feeling was that Hazizah didn't really mix with the other Malays so they think she's snobbish. Besides that, Hazizah was originally from the next class last year but in the middle of the year 2008 she transferred into my class...A certain someone was supposedly 3rd in class went down to 4th due to Hazizah getting 3rd in class.

And so, this new arrangement brought a lot of dissatisfaction...then the fight kecoh.... verbal fights, tears, complains, teachers, "secret meetings", and a whole new gloomy atmosphere. Very tensed up aura and vibes, negative feelings all around class. The situation is tensed up in class.

A racist remark: "Takkan semata-mata minoriti(Cina), kita nak tukar tempat. Kita orang dah selesa dah. Kita majoriti, mereka minoriti. Biarlah!"

very ugly i tell u... both sides also don't want to give up... today the teacher said to the majority gang to just give in...then Hazizah pulak was rude and action everyone also panas.
The thing was cooled down for 1 minute then Hazizah go and stir up the heat again.
both sides in fault... nobody wants to admit they are wrong.

I find it a bit funny, they all(majority) don't want to separate with their friends but it's okay to separate the minority. To them, It's okay to separate Pui Yee from her best friend(Hazizah).
I can't understand their double standards. Can they even listen to their own self? haiz, discrimination!

Oh my, why la? so kecoh you know! Please lah!
right now I'm kind of atas pagar...neutral...
I don't really care la about the position, lazy want to argue...
Me and Praveen don't really mind where we sit lah.
It makes me wonder once again, why do we come to school for?
Seating Arrangements? LOL. Neways, I think this is also from the STPM stress la.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


20 july 2009

Upper 6 Effective class carpeted their floor and rearranged their table so now must take off shoes to enter their class. Now, my class wants to copy...haiz. This is so childish la. Since the lower 6 years, the 2 classes compete and copy the class arrangement. When one class makes a change in the class, the other class will follow and try to stand up more...Rivalry that is in vain, useless.

I seriously don't see any difference or what's the point between the cemented floor and the carpeted/wall paper-ed floor for my class. What's the use of it?
When I inquired the class of why they are doing this, they answered that our class teacher was lamenting on how her previous class(last year or so) always won the cleanest class award every week so much so that other teachers wanted to ban her class from competing.

We also collected RM2 from each person just to buy a baju for our class teacher. When I asked why are we doing this, they said because our class teacher was complaining that we never gave her any present...Haiz!

I wonder, do we go to school to study or please teachers or hear teacher's complains?
Why is her acceptance so important?
This teacher like to threathen students with mild curses..."Kalau tak bla bla bla, tak berkat"
Not like I really care la...
But you know something I realised? I don't know if this goes to all Malays or it's just my school la. The Malays like to merajuk very fast, get angry and hurt easily, and they always mild curse people. The worse attribute is their's super strong I tell you!
When I confronted them about the mild cursings, the answer given was "Kita orang mahu beri galakkan...bukan curse. Reverse psychology"

But still, the way they give the "galakan" is by pouring down bad words and cursing.
When something is lost or when they get angry,
my, my, you should cover your ears...all the foul words will come out of their mouth and heavy horrible curses will be shouted out...and I'm not talking about my form only-->this goes to all the Malays from different forms that I met in SMK Seri Pantai. It's the same reaction...maybe it's the Malay culture. Hmmm.
Actually, maybe all races also do this cursing, maybe...but not as obvious as this la, and not as frequent and easily poured out like this la.

If you don't respond the way they want you to respond...some of them will get angry and hurt and start to merajuk with that merajuk sentences and then the angry voice will come and next would be cursing and soon to threatening...Then their friends would say they're joking...but their voice and vibe says the opposite.
I get a bit scared I tell you, a bit worried too. These type of people are potential abusers...Imagine if alcohol is added with these kind of attitude...I won't be surprised if these violent people actually kill people.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

letter # 2

Saya terdengar khabar angin bahawa cikgu sudah mula bertegas dalam pentadbiran pengawas sekolah namun cikgu tidak mengambil sebarang tindakan terhadap pengawas tersebut. Syabas dan kerja yang bagus tetapi cikgu hanya mengambil kira perkara yang lebih besar; cikgu menutup sebelah mata dalam menangani perkara yang kecil.

Perkara yang kecillah yang banyak membentuk/ mempengaruhi/ menyumbang kepada disiplin dan akhlak seseorang. Antara buku yang membuktikan penyataan tersebut ialah ‘The Pencil’ dan ‘The Pearl’ serta ‘Konserto Terakhir’. Selalunya pengalaman dan kejadian terutamanya perkara yang dianggap remehlah yang telah membentuk perwatakan seseorang itu.

Jangan pandang rendah akan perkara yang kelihatan tidak penting atau serius. Penjenayah, penagih dadah , pembunuh, pelajar bermasalah. Semua perwatakan ini terbentuk daripada kejadian yang dianggap kurang serius tetapi hakikatnya ia amat serius dan merupakan “the turning point of their life”.

Isu kasut di Burma telah mencetuskan semangat nasiolisme. Saya yakin dan sangat pasti bahawa dari sudut pandangan orang Inggeris, mereka menganggap isu ini sebagai sesuatu hal yang tidak penting malah ia merupakan sesuatu yang tidak mempunyai “any significance”. Tetapi bagi orang Burma, kejadian inilah yang telah membawa perubahan dalam sejarah dunia.

Saya yakin cikgu pernah mendengar pepatah ini; ‘Siakap senohong gelama ikan duri, bercakap bohong lama-lama mencuri.’ Pepatah ini membuktikan perkara yang kelihatan “harmless”, lama-lama akan menjadi sesuatu yang sangat serius.

Pengawas itu telah diskriminasikan pelajar minority serta imej pengawas serta sekolah turut rosak atau dipandang rendah di mata sekolah.

Apa gunanya peraturan dan undang-undang jika pihak berkuasa tidak menguatkuasakannya?

Jika cikgu tidak mengenakan sebarang amaran, tindakan atau hukuman terhadapnya, ini secara tidak langsung akan:

*menghantar mesej bahawa perbuatannya tidak salah tetapi okay.

*Perkara ini juga bagai limau masam sebelah

*Hal seperti ini membawa kepada pembentukan diskriminasi; akan wujud pemikiran bahawa pengawas merupakan pelajar ‘kelas pertama’ manakala pelajar lain tergolong sebagai “second class students”.

Pengawas boleh buat apa-apa sahaja termasuk menyalahgunakan kuasa serta mereka tidak perlu hormat kepada pelajar senior. Pelajar–pelajar terpaksa ‘mengikut telunjuk’

-untuk pengetahuaan cikgu, perkara ini juga merupakan salah satu bentuk buli atau ‘ragging’

Perbuatan cikgu juga akan mewujudkan pemikiran bahawa seorang pengawas akan mempunyai ‘lesen’ atau ‘kelonggaran’ dan bebas untuk melakukan perkara, perbuatan dan pertuturan yang tidak patut dilakukan.

Sekali gus cikgu melahirkan pelajar dan pengawas yang “corrupted”, rosak akhlak, imej, keterampilan, moral, budaya, sikap, atitud dan pelajar yang laksana bunga dedap, sungguh merah berbau tidak.

Perkara ini juga bercanggah dengan piagam sekolah, visi sekolah, matlamat sekolah, falsafah sekolah dan moto sekolah ini! Perkara sebegini akan mewujudkan rasa tidak puas hati warga sekolah malah ini akan membawa kepada kes-kes disiplin yang bagaikan cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan.

Jika ini berlaku, saya mahu cikgu tahu bahawa secara tidak langsung, cikgulah yang akan menjadi punca utama terbentuk orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab atau tidak berguna dalam negara kita.

Cikgu-cikgu seperti itulah bagaikan pihak yang tidak melaksanakan amanahnya dan hanya makan gaji buta serta menyumbang kepada kemunduran negara kita.

Oleh itu, saya berharap bahawa cikgu akan menggetus tunasnya, sebelum ia menjadi pucuk terlebih dahulu. Bak kata meluntur buluh, biarlah dari rebungnya.

Sekian terima kasih!


Pelajar 6 ATAS ASPIRASI (2009)


Letter # 1

Hilda Hew Mun Foong

15, Jalan Telawi Enam,

Bangsar Baru, 59100


Guru Disiplin Pengawas


Jalan Kerinchi Kiri,

Kg Kerinchi, 59200



Aduan berkenaan Pengawas yang telah mendiskriminasikan saya.

Berhubung perkara di atas, saya Hew Mun Foong, seorang pelajar daripada tingkatan 6 Atas Aspirasi, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Seri Pantai ingin membuat aduan tentang seorang pengawas lelaki. Pengawas tersebut telah mendiskriminasi saya. Perkara ini telah menginggung perasaan saya dan menjatuhkan maruah saya, malah pengawas ini telah melanggar peraturan sekolah juga.

2.Pengawas tersebut telah mendiskriminasi saya sewaktu perhimpunan pada 6 Januari 2009, Selasa. Pengawas ini menganggap perkara ini remeh dan belum meminta maaf kepada saya. Walaupun dia seorang pengawas dia tidak sepatutnya mendiskriminasi seorang pelajar ataupun seorang ‘senior’.


1)Education-Disiplin 1. Judul 375


9.0 Tingkah laku murid yang dilarang di sekolah

9.1 Tingkah laku biadap

9.4 Tingkah laku Jenayah/ salah laku Berat.

9.4.12 menimbulkan isu sensitif yang boleh menimbulkan kacau-bilau

Ini merupakan kesalahan berat (B)


Jenis Kesalahan


B 06

Biadap dan tingkah laku tidak sopan

1.Amaran keras

2.Dirotan 1-3 kali di punggung berlapik dengan menggunakan rotan


4.Digantung persekolahan tidak melebihi 14 hari

5.Dibuang sekolah


4.Dia juga boleh didakwa menurut AKTA PERLINDUNGAN KANAK-KANAK 1991, PINDAAN 2001.

Penderaan mental; perbuatan menjatuhkan maruah seperti dihina.

5.Oleh kerana saya tidak mahu memperbesarkan hal ini,saya cuma mahu pengawas tersebut meminta maaf daripada saya dengan ikhlas. Saya meminta jasa baik cikgu supaya dapat menyelesaikan masalah ini dengan segera.Saya juga berharap perkara sebegini tidak akan diulangi oleh mana-mana pengawas.Diharapkan cikgu juga tidak akan menganggap hal ini dengan kurang penting. Kerjasama dan perhatian cikgu terlebih dahulu saya ucapkan berbanyak-banyak terima kasih.


Yang benar,





Thursday, July 2, 2009


july 2nd, 2009
Hi kawan-kawan,
My school is always changing the school timetable la, that's not the only thing changing! Even the time has been extended from 2.30pm, 3pm, 3.30pm, 4.15pm, and now the latest time being 5.25pm.Gila duh!
With the new timetable in activation now there's extra class(Kelas NADI) on Saturdays la...And not forgetting MR NANDA's compulsory economy classes on SUNDAYS. Wah, that means literally everyday also got school...But as for me, I am NOT going for NADI CLASSES ON SATURDAYs. NO WAY!unless it's Mr Nanda's class la...
What's with "lectures, tutorial, R&D, and colloquium"...and what's with going back at 3.50pm on Friday? This is crazy la.